
What is speech?

 Speech is a right way to put a right word in a grammatical expression. is the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds.this is a communication used by people.


                TYPES OF SPEECH

  1. To Inform
  2. To Instruct
  3. To Entertain
  4. To Persuade

                 PART TO SPEECH

  1. Noun
  2. Pronoun
  3. Verb 
  4. Adverb
  5. Adjective
  6. Preposition 
  7. Conjunction 
  8. Interjection 

Abubakar Aminu Abubakar

My name is Abubakar Aminu Abubakar, I'm student.I am good at writing, graphics design, digital marketing and social media pages optimisation. You can send us a message about what we have published,We will reply back to you in a short time.

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